319 metric tons of pond fish worth 4 crore 65 rupees were washed away due to the rise of water in Teesta and other rivers in Rangpur division. Besides, more than 55 lakh fish fry were washed away. The affected fishermen have not received any assistance so far. However, the Fisheries Office says that a list of victims will be prepared and sent to Dhaka.
The affected fishermen are facing darkness. They are awaiting government incentives to cover the losses. Meanwhile, at 6 am on Wednesday, the water at Teesta’s Dalia Point was flowing 5 cm below the danger level at 52.55 cm.
Due to the release of water from India’s Ghazaldoba barrage, the water in the Teesta has been rising above the danger level for the past few days. Besides, the water of Brahmaputra, Dharla, Ghaghat and other rivers has increased. It inundated large areas of river-bound Rangpur, Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram and Gaibandha districts. Along with crops, habitations, fish in ponds are also swept away by floods. Many fishermen have lost their capital due to the loss of fish.According to the sources of Rangpur Divisional Directorate of Fisheries, 1 thousand 920 fish from the pond have been washed away by the flood so far. The land area of these ponds is 239 hectares. 1,600 fishermen have been affected. 319 metric tons of fish were washed away and over 5.5 lakhs of fry were washed away. Kurigram, Lalmonirhat and Gaibandha districts were the worst affected.
Nurul Haque, Abdur Rashid and some fishermen of Bager Hat village of Lakshitari Union of Gangachara Upazila said that all the fish in their ponds have been washed away by Teesta flood. They are now facing darkness. It is not possible for them to turn around without government incentives or loans.
Abdullah Al Hadi, the chairman of that union, said that the fish of many ponds in his union had been washed away. He sought urgent government assistance for the affected fishermen.
Assistant Director of Rangpur Department of Fisheries.Manjurul Islam said, the flood has so far caused damage to fish worth Tk 4.65 million in Rangpur, Kurigram, Nilphamari, Gaibandha and Lalmonirhat. A list of affected fishermen is being prepared. Besides, necessary advice is being given to fishermen.