The Rampal Thermal Power Plant, which is destroying the Pasur River and the Sundarbans, must be canceled immediately. This environmentally destructive power plant was constructed to serve India’s interests.
A report by the government agency CEGIS states that the level of toxic mercury in the Pasur River is now ten times higher than the permissible limit. Due to pollution in the Pasur River, which is the lifeblood of the Sundarbans, aquatic species, including fish, are on the brink of extinction. To save the planet, there is no alternative but to shift from fossil fuels to sustainable and renewable energy sources. Cancel the Rampal Thermal Power Plant and adopt an alternative renewable solar energy system.
This demand was raised on Friday (December 27) during a public assembly organized at Narikel Tala, Mongla, Bagerhat by “Dhoritri Rokhhay Amra (DHORA)” and Pasur River Waterkeeper. The assembly was held to call for the cancellation of the Sundarbans-destroying Rampal Thermal Power Plant and demand safe water, clean air, and sustainable livelihoods.

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