Waterkeepers Bangladesh (WKB) consortium is currently implementing an anti-pollution advocacy project. WKB formed a consortium with the Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka and Center for Atmospheric Pollution Studies (CAPS), Department of Environmental Science, Stamford University Bangladesh to implement robust anti-pollution efforts under the project titled “Promoting democratic governance and collective advocacy for environmental protection in Dhaka city” under Promoting Advocacy and Rights (PAR) Activity which is being implemented in collaborations with the USAID and Counterpart International. As per the plan of activity, the WKB consortium organized nineth river talkie as part of the advocacy process. The river talkie was organized at Itakhola, Demra, Dhaka by the riverside of Balu on 16 November 2022. The topic for the nineth river talkie was “Rivers for Communication”. WKB consortium lead, Sharif Jamil anchored the show. He welcomed and briefed about the concept of the river talkie and project. The guest speakers of the talkie were Mr. Ibnul Syed Rana, Chairman, Nirapad Development Foundation; Mr. Shumon Shams, Founding President, Nongor Bangladesh; Mr. Nikhil Chandra Bhadra, Coordinator, Sundarban and Coast Protection Movement; and Mr. Suruj Mia, Convenor, Barogram Balu River Coalition. Discussants of the river talkie called upon all concerned parties including the government to take effective measures to formulate and implement plans to protect waterways for greater interest of the nation. They have recommended effective steps to restore cost-effective and environment-friendly maritime communication system. Discussants demanded formulation of a long-term plan for restoring and maintaining the waterways giving importance to the opinion of the people along the rivers. This river talkie was a talk show program, which was staged on a River bankside and broadcasted live. The show is expected to bring river pollution into the mainstream policy discussion involving various sectors and professions. The talk will help to add value to the overall advocacy campaign. The show was broadcasted live on 16 November, 2022 from 12.30 – 1.40 pm from Itakhola, Demra, Dhaka by the bank of river Balu. The show was broadcasted live on WKB Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/waterkeepers…) and PAR Online Platform for CSOs (PAR Online Platform for CSOs
River Talkies 9: Rivers for Communication